Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Media Sales Certificate Program

Tthe College of Media will be launching a new Media Sales Certificate Program this upcoming fall.  This new program will provide students with a valuable set of skills which could help them towards developing a career in the advertising/media sales industry.

All of the new sales-related courses have been approved and the curriculum has been set.  The program will consist of 15 credit hours and will require the following courses:

MDIA 270 (Introduction to Media Sales)
BTW 271 (Persuasive Writing)
MDIA 320 (Sales Management)
MDIA 370 (Advanced Media Sales)
MDIA 495 (Internship/Individual Study)

The program is open to any undergraduate students on campus, regardless of major.  Interested students are encouraged to sign up for the first class, MDIA 270, which is available this fall.  In the near future an application process will be established with selection criteria and students will need to apply and be accepted into the sales program.

There will be an information session held on Tuesday, April 30th, from 6:00-7:00pm in 231 Greg Hall.  This will allow students to get a better understanding of the courses and program as whole.  

Questions should be directed to Brett Clifton,, Director of the Media Sales Certificate Program.