1. For Students – all majors, all levels—Learning in Community Courses
If you’re interested in real-life projects, service-learning, and gaining valuable teamwork and leadership experience, register for ENG 315-Learning in Community (LINC). Students in LINC courses collaborate on interdisciplinary projects of significance to local and international community partners and have built bridges, produced marketing campaigns, improved water systems, developed youth programs, designed rain gardens, and lots more. Don’t miss your opportunity to gain professional experience and make a lasting impact in the community!
Open to all majors and levels (no prerequisites). ENG 315 counts as an elective for the Leadership Studies Minor. To learn more about LINC projects, see linc.illinois.edu and watch the video, "What is LINC?" at http://youtu.be/f7s3aniu_40.
2. For Graduate Students and Advanced Undergraduates—LINC Project Manager Positions
Consider this significant opportunity to acquire training and experience in project management and classroom facilitation while leading a real project of importance to a community partner. There are many positions available to co-manage a LINC-Learning in Community section (ENG 315) with interdisciplinary projects related to social and environmental issues, engineering and technical problems, education, community health, international development, and more!
To join the LINC team, complete the brief online application at http://linc.illinois.edu/information-project-managers. Apply ASAP for equal consideration. Applications are rolling; interviews begin in late March and continue until positions are filled.
Project Managers earn 4 credit hours in ENG 598: Applied Project Management, which counts as an elective for the Leadership Studies Minor. For more information, see linc.illinois.edu and watch the video, "What is LINC?" at http://youtu.be/f7s3aniu_40.