Information about MCB course availability is below. Visit the most up to date information regarding any MCB course.
Unrestricted courses of interest
MCB 150, Molec & Cellular Basis of Life: over 400 seats will be open and unrestricted. The remaining seats will be held for incoming freshmen.
MCB 151, Molec & Cellular Laboratory: open and unrestricted
MCB 180, Human Reproduction & Society: sect A open and unrestricted
MCB 170, Human Reproduction & Society: open and unrestricted
MCB 450, Introductory Biochemistry: open and unrestricted
Courses managed via priority lists and wait list
MCB 101, Intro Microbiology Laboratory
MCB 244, Human Anatomy & Physiology I
MCB 245, Human Anat & Physiol Lab I
For these courses, students who are REQUIRED to take the course for their major should contact their departmental advisor to be placed on a priority list prior to March 25. Students who are REQUIRED to take the course for
a pre-professional program should seek advisement about placement on a priority list through The Career Center. All other students wanting to take a course listed above should add their name to a wait list via the link in the class schedule. Please do not put your name on more than one list as it will slow things down.
Students from priority and wait lists will be emailed at their illinois email address once they have been authorized for the course. We will complete authorizations as expeditiously as possible, but appreciate your patience as this can take a fair amount of time. Please check your email regularly and respond ASAP if we contact you. Including accurate
information in the wait list is imperative to this process moving smoothly.
Restricted to MCB majors
MCB 301, Experimental Microbiology: restricted to MCB majors
MCB 354, Biochem & Phys Basis of Life: restricted to MCB majors
MCB 428, Bacterial Pathogens Laboratory: restricted to MCB majors
If you have questions about a course not listed above please contact