Monday, October 1, 2012

study abroad deadlines extended

Dear Students,

It's not too late to study abroad next spring! The following study abroad programs have new application deadlines for the Spring of 2013 semester. Click on the title name to find out more about each program, or stop by our office to learn more about the application process!

October 1st:

Political Science Vienna Diplomatic Program
Highlights include: no language requirement; a focus designed for students interested in international organizations and diplomacy; and living arrangements include local dormitories with a mix of Austrian and other international students.

Sierra Leone, Njala University
Highlights include: co-taught classes by Njala University and U of I faculty; 24/7 onsite support; all credits have been pre-approved; and excursions range from time on the beach in Freetown to visiting Palm Oil Production facilities; this program is open to all majors.

Verona, Italy
Highlights include: courses at the Centro Studi Idea Verona language institute; language and culture courses offered; excursions to Venice, Asiago, and Torino are available; optional cooking classes; living arrangements include apartment or home-stays.

October 15th:

The KU Leuven-Illinois Experience: Encountering Europe through the Lens of Social Science, Belgium
Highlights include: taking courses at Europe's oldest and most respected institutions across the social sciences and humanities disciplines; the core course for the spring semester is a family dynamics and population change course; Leuven is popular for its easy access to other parts of Europe, or as others refer to it, "the hub" of Europe.

October 25th:

Illinois Programs in Paris
Highlights include: that all levels of French are welcome to participate; the program has a French language, literature, and civilization focus; an on-site Resident Director is there to assist you throughout the semester; living arrangements include living in a dormitory or with a host family.