Interested in joining the LGBT Resource Center staff at the U of I?
The LGBT Resource Center is looking for student interns for next academic year, 2013-14. This is a paid internship, open to University of Illinois undergraduate students. The time commitment is 8-10 hours/week when school is in session. Preference is given to students with federal work study. Please see attached for the application. Application Deadline: 5 PM, March 15th, 2013.
This position works directly with the Assistant Director of the LGBT Resource Center to increase student involvement and to enhance students’ collegiate experience by supporting the initiatives of the LGBT Resource Center with specific attention to event programming, leadership development, and marketing support.
Event Programming: Create and implement programs of social, political, educational and cultural nature in collaboration with RSOs, other cultural centers and campus units.
Leadership: Create and implement programs to address retention and leadership at all undergraduate levels; promote personal and academic development; develop mentorship networks among faculty, staff and students.
Marketing and Publications: Develop strategies to market LGBT Resource Center programs; assist with publications. Assist the Office Support Specialist with daily operational tasks (answering phones, assisting students, staff or faculty that visit or inquire about the LGBT Resource Center, record keeping, etc.) as well as assist in other clerical duties.
Preferred skills:
· Familiarity with LGBTQIA communities
· Familiarity and/or involvement with LGBTQIA RSO's at U of I.
· Strong organizational skills and a willingness to learn
· Previous leadership and/or involvement experiences with advocacy, community service, event planning, facilitation, and other educational activities.
You may submit the application (attached) and resume in-person or through email to:
Saida Bonifield
LGBT Resource Center
1401 W Green Street, room 323 MC-384
Urbana, IL 61801